Below you will find information on the PSHE Curriculum at Preston School, our Relationships and Sex Education is included within our PSHE curriculum. PSHE and Religious Education (please see individual curriculum page for Religious Education) are timetabled every other half term and currently appear as PSE on student timetables. The five-year learning journey for PSHE and RE available in all student books and to view here.


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Year 7

In Year 7, students study one hour of PSHE a week every other half term and therefore undertake three study cycles during the year.

Study Cycle 1 - Healthy Lifestyle

Overview: This study cycle is about maximizing your health and wellbeing by making responsible health choices. You will examine what make a healthy lifestyle and create your own personalised healthy life plan. You will learn about what makes a balanced diet and how imbalance can affect your health. You’ll learn about food labeling and how to recognise the nutritional content of food products. Concerns about energy drinks will also be evaluated. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 3 – Positive Relationships, Bullying and Consent

Overview: This study cycle is all about relationships. Friendships, family, long-term commitments, romantic relationships, types of bullying and the concept of consent. You will learn the knowledge and skills to keep yourself, and others, safe and happy and where to get help if things go wrong. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.


Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 5 – Drugs, Puberty and Reporting Abuse

Overview: This study cycle focuses on Health and Wellbeing and how to recognise risks to these. You will learn about different types of drugs, legal and illegal and the negative affects these can have on your body. You will also learn how to recognise the signs that you (or someone you know) are being exploited by criminals wanting to involve you in illegal activity through ‘County Lines’. Finally you will gain knowledge, skills and confidence to empower you to report concerns about yourselves or someone you know, to trusted adults or other appropriate sources of support. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Year 8

In Year 8, students study one hour of PSHE a week every other half term and therefore undertake three study cycles during the year. 

Study Cycle 1 – Risk and Personal Safety. Drugs, Self-Concept and FGM

Overview: This study cycle covers a range of lessons aimed at ensuring your health and wellbeing. You will look at ways to protect your personal safety and what to do if things go wrong including simple first aid advice. You will learn about the risks of smoking tobacco and cannabis as will evaluate the health concern related to vaping. Lifestyle choices will be examined further in relation to cancer prevention. You will then examine ways to ensure good personal hygiene for personal grooming and the prevention of illness. Then we will focus on mental wellbeing relating to self-confidence and body image. In the final part of the study cycle you will learn about FGM (female genital mutilation) and what to do if you or a friend are at risk from this illegal practice. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 3 – Discrimination and Respectful Relationships

Overview: This study cycle builds upon previous lessons and assemblies. You will learn about discrimination in all forms, the equalities act and protected characteristics. You will consider conflict within relationships such as family and friends, you will learn about different methods of conflict resolution, and how to support others who are struggling with relationships. You will also discover ways to avoid unhealthy online relationships and avoid online grooming. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 5 – Intimate Relationships

Overview: This study cycle focuses on relationships and sex education and in particular sexual health. You will build on your learning about relationships from year 7 and expand your understanding of consent in all types of relationship. You will learn about sexually transmitted infections, their symptoms and how to prevent their spread, alongside this you will compare different forms of contraception and learn where to get accurate and safe information about sex. The dangers of pornography and sexting will be explored along with the law and consequences relating to these issues.  The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Year 9

In Year 9, students study one hour of PSHE a week every other half term and therefore undertake three study cycles during the year. 

Study Cycle 1 – Emotional Wellbeing

Overview: This study cycle covers a range of lessons aimed at ensuring your health and wellbeing. You will look at mental health and challenge outdated stigma associated with mental health problems, you will learn how to protect your mental health and emotional wellbeing (including online) and how to get help if you are struggling. You will learn about the damage unhealthy coping strategies can cause. You will be taught coping strategies and resilience for day-to-day situations, as well as at challenging times of change, grief and loss. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 3 – Respectful Relationships

Overview: This study cycle builds on your learning about relationships in years 7 and 8 to enable you to tackle some more mature issues. You will learn about violence and discrimination against women and racial discrimination. You will also explore different types of gender identity and sexual orientation. You will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss the ways in which our peers can influence our behaviour in person and online. You will consider the pros and cons of online image sharing, and how to keep yourself and others safe. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Study Cycle 5 – Respectful Relationships

Overview: This study cycle focuses on relationships and sex education. You will build on your learning about relationships from years 7 and 8 and learn about beginning and growing positive relationships and how to assess when you may be ready for intimate relationships. You will learn what ‘freedom’ and ‘capacity’ to consent mean, about sexual health, the potential consequences of sex and ways to reduce risk. You will investigate different types of contraception and how they work, as well as learning about the possible outcomes in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Year 10

In Year 10, students study one hour of PSHE a week every other half term and therefore undertake three study cycles during the year. 

Study Cycle 1 – Exploring Influence

Overview: This study cycle covers a range of lessons aimed at ensuring your health and wellbeing. You will look at the influence of roles models on young people’s self-esteem. You will learn about different crimes which young people can be drawn into, how criminals take advantage of young people and groom them to become involved in criminal gangs and County Lines. You will also learn about the law surrounding knives and the consequences of knife crime. The increase in hate crime will be investigated along with the discriminatory language which can escalate hatred and discrimination. You will also consider the risks and reasons behind binge drinking and its consequences for individuals and communities. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.

Study Cycle 3 – Forming and Maintaining Respectful Relationships

Overview: In this study cycle you will re-cap, review and build upon the knowledge and skills you developed about positive relationships in order to consider some more mature situations and scenarios. You will explore a broad diversity or relationships and challenge misconceptions about sex and gender. You will learn to recognise abusive relationships of many kinds, including student on student abuse and how to seek help. You will also learn to identify gender-based discrimination and how to overcome it both now and in your future. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.

Study Cycle 5 – Communication in Relationships and Families

Overview: This study cycle focuses on relationships and sex education. You will consider various aspects of relationships, such as being a good parent and different types of families, as well as what to do when conflict occurs within a relationship. You will learn about the process of arranged marriage and its difference to forced marriage. Finally, you will learn about what constitutes harassment and stalking and how to avoid becoming a victim of ‘revenge porn’, you will learn about the penalties for perpetrators and how to get help for victims of these crimes. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.


Year 11

In Year 11, students study one hour of PSHE a week in the first half term and therefore undertake one study cycle during the year. 

Study Cycle 1 – Building for the Future, Independence and Personal Safety

Overview: This study cycle covers a range of lessons aimed at ensuring your health and wellbeing. You will learn about healthy ways to manage procrastination and achieve perseverance and explore how sleep is vital to good mental and physical health. You will make plans to manage your digital footprint in a positive way and avoid pitfalls in later life. You will learn ways to look after your personal safety, avoid excessive risk-taking and how to avoid situations which encourage you to put your health and wellbeing in danger. Finally, you will consider healthy ways to improve your emotional wellbeing and positivity. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.

Assessment Opportunities: You will evaluate your knowledge and understanding at the start and end of the study cycle in order to identify the progress you have made. The self-assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.




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