Below you will find information on the PE curriculum at Preston School. The five year learning journey for PE is available in all student books, in the PE Department, and to view here.
One of the GCSE options available to students is Cambridge National In Sports Science. As part of this, we follow the OCR J828 GCSE Specification. In the video below, our PE teacher Mr Powell, provides an overview of the course.
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Year 10
Study Cycle 1 - Applying the principles of training: fitness and how it affects skill performance
Overview: This topic introduces you to the components of fitness and how athletes test these fitness components. You will also learn how these fitness components will contribute to sporting performance, positively or negatively. You will learn how to conduct a range of fitness tests and once data has been gathered, how this data can be analysed. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on fitness components and fitness tests. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback based on your knowledge, in readiness for your assignment. You will undertake a summative assessment for applying the principles of training assignment (part 1). This will provide you with an assessment grade. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet is available to view here.
Study Cycle 2 - Principles of training, goal setting and methods of training
Overview: This topic introduces you to the principles of training and how these can be used, to make effective training programmes. Along with this, you will also learn about goal setting and how you can set effective targets within your training programmes. To coincide with this, you will finally learn about the methods of training, their benefits, and also the advantages/disadvantages of these training methods. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on the principles of training and methods of training. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback based on your knowledge, in readiness for your assignment. You will undertake a summative assessment for applying the principles of training assignment (topic 1 components of fitness applied in sport). This will provide you with an assessment grade. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 - Organising and planning a fitness training programme
Overview: This topic introduces you to how you can organise and plan an effective training programme for yourself. You will look into the factors you need to consider when designing a fitness training programme. These include applying the principles of training, risk assessments, what facilities and equipment you wish to use and more. You will also learn how to record results effectively from your fitness training programme. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on factors when designing a fitness training programme, and how to plan for a fitness training programme. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback based on your knowledge, in readiness for your assignment. You will undertake a summative assessment for applying the principles of training assignment (part 4). This will provide you with an assessment grade. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 - Evaluate own performance in planning and delivery of a fitness training programme
Overview: This topic introduces you to evaluating your own performance, for not only how your fitness training programme was conducted, but also how well planned it was. You will study a variety of different factors that will enable you to identify key strengths and weaknesses of your training programme and if you were to perform it again, what you would do differently. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on factors when designing a fitness training programme, and how to plan for a fitness training programme. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback based on your knowledge, in readiness for your assignment. You will undertake a summative assessment for applying the principles of training assignment (part 4). This will provide you with an assessment grade. An overview of the assessment opportunities in this Study Cycle will be available to view here soon.
Year 11
During this year, you will complete Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise. You will learn about the components of fitness and principles of training. You will then explore the different fitness training methods. Following this, you will know how to run fitness testing to determine fitness levels. You will then sit your online exam.
We will then continue with Unit 3: Applying the principles of personal training, where you will learn about the musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems and their effects on the body. You will then run and review your own personal fitness programme.
Study Cycle 1 - Physical & Skill Fitness Components and their influence on sporting performance (Unit 1)
Overview: In this part of the unit you will begin to learn what the physical & skill components of fitness are. You will then take this knowledge and start link how the physical fitness components contribute (positively or negatively) to sporting performance. You will also then look at exercise intensity and how it is measured. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive WFC on all Components of Fitness. You will undertake a summative assessment for Components of Fitness & Exercise intensity. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 2 - Fitness for Sport & Exercise (Unit 1)
Overview: During this Study Cycle, you will explore different fitness training methods. You will learn how to carry out the different fitness training methods safely with the correct equipment and technique. You will also understand the advantages and disadvantages for each training method and how to apply the principles of training (FITT). You will learn about the following training methods: Flexibility, Strength, muscular endurance and power, aerobic endurance and speed training. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive WFC with a 9-mark question relating to fitness training methods. You will undertake a summative assessment for training methods and the FITT principle. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 - Design a personal fitness training programme
Overview: In this part of the unit you will begin to plan your training programme. You will consider your personal fitness levels, set goals and link your training to specific components of fitness. You will then design your 6-week training programme and ensure it links directly to the improvement of one of your chosen sports. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive WFC on your coursework and progress. You will undertake a summative assessment for the area of coursework that you have been working on. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.