
We strive to encourage and support students in achieving and maintaining 95% attendance as every day missed is a learning opportunity missed.

We have a number of staff members who will provide support for parents and students where there are concerns about attendance. These include:

  • Head of Year
  • The Attendance Officer
  • Parent and Family Support Advisor (PFSA)
  • Attendance and Education Officer (LST)


If you would like further information about Preston School's policy on attendance please click here to read the Attendance Policy.

Reporting Absence

Please contact Student Reception:

Holidays in term time

Holidays in term time have a significant impact on students progress, achievement and social development. The Department of Education have changed the regulations which Schools and Academies and have to follow for approving holidays during term time. These new regulations will come into force on 1st September 2013. Due to these new regulations Preston School has amended their Attendance Policy, which includes the policy on holiday in term time. This Policy will be available on the school website from 1st September 2013. Please can we ask all Parents to read and be aware of this policy as the school will no longer be authorising any holidays in term time unless the exceptional circumstances criteria apply. Parents who do take their son/daughter out from school during term time for a holiday will be served a penalty notice by Somerset Local Authority. We would ask all Parents to book family holidays during school holiday times to avoid the absence impacting students learning, progress and achievement.


It is a legal requirement that all students attend school daily and the Government and Preston school have an expectation that students arrive at school in time for the start of the day and ready to learn. Students who arrive late to school have an unsettled start to the day and miss out on important learning time. This has a growing impact on progress and achievement if students are persistently late.

Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.25, ready for the bell to ring at 8.30 that signals Morning AM time. Academic Mentors then take the AM register, a legal document. Students not present when the register is taken will be marked as absent. If they then arrive at school after this the student will be recorded as late.

If a student receives 2 or more late marks in one week, they will be placed in a 1 hour after school detention on the following Thursday. Parents will be notified by a letter that this has happened. We would appreciate your support in discussing the importance of being on time with you child.​

If lateness becomes a persistent problem you will be invited into the school to discuss this. If you would like any support regarding lateness please contact your child’s Learning Manager.



Key Information

Key Information



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