
At Preston School we always welcome enquiries from Parents who are considering requesting a place at Preston School for their son or daughter. Upon expressing an interest Parents are invited to have a tour around the School. During this tour 2 current students will guide you around the School, whilst giving you a student's outlook on life at Preston School.

Policy for admission to Preston School

As an Academy, The Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for our school. Preston School adheres to Somerset Schools Admission Protocol. All applications for a place at Preston School (to transfer from Primary to Secondary Phase) should be directed to the School Admissions Team who can be contacted via Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224. The Admissions Team will be able to provide further information, and an application form.

We have a planned admission limit in each Year Group. This limit is set in order to ensure that our school is able to run as efficiently as possible with the resources that we have.

Year Group Admission Limit
7 210
8 210
9 210
10 200
11 160

For students wanting to join any year group during the academic year an application form, available from the school office or website, can be submitted directly to the school at any time during the academic year. The application will be considered by the Governors’ Admissions Panel and parents will receive a response within 10 school working days. If a school place is offered it will be held open for 28 school working days, so parents will need to respond within this time. Applications must be addressed to The School Office (Admissions) at Preston School or submitted electronically to

​Students due to start in Year 7 - Transfer Application

If we have more requests for places than the number of places available the over subscription criteria below will be used to decide which children are offered places.

Students who wish to transfer into an existing Year Group - In-Year Application

In the event of a Year Group being full, The Governing Body Admissions Panel will consider each application carefully. Applications are considered in date order that they are received at The School Admissions Team. The Governing Body Admissions Panel will follow the over subscription criteria as set out by Somerset County Council if two applications are received on the same day.​

Offering and refusing places

A letter will be sent to you from the School Admissions Team offering or refusing a place on 1st March for the following September admissions and within 10 working days of a complete application being received for In Year Admissions. Outcome letters will be sent by the school for in-year admissions.

Refused places and appeals

If the Governing Body Admissions Panel are unable to offer places to students who have applied you do have the right to appeal to an independent Appeal Committee. Details will be given in your outcome letter. If you need any further information, Please contact Somerset Direct: 0300 123 2224.

Appeals timetable

Students with disabilities

The above arrangements also apply to students with disabilities. We presently have on roll students who have a range of disabilities. We especially welcome such students as they add to the diversity of our school community. Details of our Special Educational Needs Policy and Accessibility Plan can be obtained from the school. Please do not hesitate to contact the SENCo and arrange an appointment to discuss your son/daughter needs.

In Year Admission Meeting

Once a place has been allocated for your son/daughter Preston School will contact you to invite you for an admission meeting with the Assistant Headteacher.

To download/view the Pupil Admissions form please click here.

Free School Meals

If you think that you might be entitled to claim Free School Meals for your child/children.

Please click here for more information and application form regarding Free School Meals.

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