

Bringing learning to life and life to learning – this is the thread that runs through every lesson. At Preston it is a core belief that each student is an individual. The strong working relationships they build with the staff enable them to believe in themselves as individuals as well as forming a strong sense of self within a community.​

All of the staff at Preston work hard to inspire the students enabling them to have aspirations. By starting with the core learning skills as a firm basis the students are able to progress with confidence and competence. They are encouraged to celebrate successes on all levels and to share these successes.

At Preston the governors, staff and students all believe that determination and a can-do attitude are important in all walks of life. The Governors are proud to be a part of the Preston Community.


An Academy is a good deal freer than other types of school, to spend its own money, design its own curriculum, and take its own direction – as long as it is for the educational benefit of all the young people in the area. And the people responsible for setting the strategy to achieve this successfully are the Academy’s Governors.

The government has charged Governors with three over-riding tasks:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its students
Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and ensuring financial probity
We do these through meetings of the full governing body twice a term and in our three committees:

  • Education which has responsibility for all the teaching and learning which takes place in the Academy, including the curriculum and the academic success of all students.
  • Business which monitors the budget, balancing the demands of the resources needed for successful learning with responsibility for ensuring that the premises provide an excellent working environment for all.
  • Welfare which monitors and supports the school work on pastoral care, welfare and safeguarding. It also ensures value for money with regard to spending on PP students and for SEND students.


The Principal and the Senior Leadership Team run the school.  At least one member of the Senior Leadership Team attends each committee meeting and we work closely with them, but always keep sight of our strategic function.

Governor Composition and Attendance

Click here to see the LGB Composition and attendance.

Register of Pecuniary Interests

Please click here to see our register of pecuniary interests.

Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership

All other documents are held by the Trust and can be viewed on the website

Chair of Governors

Chair of Governors is Andrew Flynn.

Contact via the clerk Jaclyn Surrey.






Key Information

Key Information



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