Below you will find information on the Drama curriculum at Preston School. The five year learning journey for Drama is available in all student books, in the Drama Department, and to view here.
Year 7
In Year 7, students study one hour of Drama and as such, undertake XX Study Cycles during the year.
Study Cycle 1 - Making Drama
Overview: This topic you will be introduced to basic drama techniques such as still image, thought tracking, hot-seating, role on the wall, narration and role play.
In addition, you will make your own characters and dramas based on the text stimulus “It was terrifying”. You will learn how to structure your dramas using the Aristotle plot model.
You will learn how to use acting skills to bring your character to life. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to create scenes and a naturalistic plot structure using the Aristotle model via your diagrams to show your understanding. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply physical and/or vocal skills effectively within your making and rehearsal work. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 2 - Performing Drama
Overview: This topic you explore and investigate performer status in rehearsal, through the use of the dramatic skills: powerhouse; body language; levels; use of space; the use of voice and movement. You will apply these skills practically to the play text ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by Shakespeare. You will learn how to depict meaning through your performance choices and how to show characters of different statuses. The intent of this topic is to develop your performance skills. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply physical and interaction skills within a scripted duologue scene e.g., powerhouse, body language, gesture, posture and levels. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic on performing drama e.g., physical, vocal, spatial and interaction skills. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 5 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 6 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Year 8
In Year 8, students study one hour of Drama and as such, undertake XX Study Cycles during the year.
Study Cycle 1 - Greek Theatre
Overview: This topic you will develop understanding of Ancient Greek Theatre. You will gain an understanding of a wide range of techniques used and how to use them to tell story such as chorus and ensemble work, narration, physical theatre, exaggeration, characters and plot structure. You will learn how to collaborate with others to create ensemble performances. You will learn how to use acting skills such as exaggeration and movement to express meaning. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply unison in chorus work. This will be demonstrated in performance work whereby you create movement to underpin narrative. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to make and structure your own Drama work in the form of a Greek tragedy as shown through your flow diagrams and performance work. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 2 - Commedia dell’arte
Overview: This topic you will develop an understanding of the comedy art form Commedia dell’arte. You will gain an understanding of the genre and its history, which will contribute to your overall knowledge of the timeline of theatre. You will revisit status and learn how to use physicality to depict these recognisable commedia archetypes. You bring to life a wide range of stock characters through various improvised scenarios. You will learn how to use acting skills such as exaggeration, clocking the audience, passing focus, shape, centres of leading and movement to express meaning. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply physical skills to depict a character, their emotion and status. Lesson 3 you will be observed and will receive WCF in lesson 4. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 5 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 6 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Year 9
In Year 9, students study one hour of Drama and as such, undertake XX Study Cycles during the year.
Study Cycle 1 - Naturalism and Stanislavski
Overview: This topic you will develop understanding of the Theatre Practitioner Konstantin Stanislavski and his system. You will gain an understanding of the theatrical genre Naturalism. You will learn how to use rehearsal techniques to develop your acting skills. You will prepare for acting work, build a character and create a role with the aim of presenting truthful and believable character work onstage. You will apply these methods to the play text Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Kelly. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply sense memory. This will be demonstrated in performance work whereby you perform the last scene from the play showing the barn fire. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to develop a role as shown through your role on the wall and performance work. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 2 - Non-naturalism and Brecht
Overview: This topic you will develop understanding of the Theatre Practitioner Bertolt Brecht and his Epic Theatre. You will gain an understanding of the theatrical genre Non-naturalism/Political Theatre. You will learn how to use distancing techniques to make the audience think about the issues in the play. You will create drama that is “representational” in order to remind the audience that they are watching a play. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to apply gestus to a given scene showing attitude, status and outlook. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle six. This will provide you with an assessment grade. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 5 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 6 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
GCSE Drama
Below you will find information on the Drama curriculum at Preston School. The five year learning journey for Drama is available in all student books, in the Drama Department, and to view here.
One of the GCSE options available to students is GCSE Drama. In the video below, our Drama teacher Mrs White, provides an overview of the course.
Insert video here
Year 10
Study Cycle 1 - Devising from a Stimulus
Overview: In this topic you will be introduced to the GCSE component 2 Devising Drama. You will be given a stimulus to explore and will work together in groups to respond to the stimulus, develop an idea, select a genre or performance style and a suitable practitioner. You will apply your ideas practically rehearsing and refining your work for performance alongside interpreting characters and context. Your process and progression will be documented through a three-part logbook and will be demonstrated via your final performance. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to convey your initial ideas for your piece through your section 1 log book. This will be demonstrated in theory work whereby you will redraft your work ensuring that it meets the criteria required. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to outline your process within your devised drama as explain in section 2 of your logbook. This will be demonstrated in theory work whereby you will redraft your work ensuring that it meets the criteria required. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle ten. This will provide you with an assessment outcome for your performance. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. Your log book will be marked after study area eleven and your marks achieved for the coursework will be added to your performance mark to reach a total grade. Your log book will demonstrate your understanding of your devising process. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet is available to view here.
Study Cycle 2 - Responding to Drama
Overview: In this Study Cycle, you will understand that Theatre is a collaborative art form, with lots of people working together to take a play from page to stage. You will learn about the various roles involved in Theatre and understand their linked responsibilities. You will also study the way that a performance space is arranged (types of staging) and how each space will impact how a show is staged and performed. You will study the theatrical convention of stage positions and how they are used as a tool to help mark how performers and set pieces move during rehearsal and performance. You will begin to investigate how performers create meaning through conventions and skills and this will be analysed and evaluated with a live theatre review. You will be assessed on your knowledge of roles and responsibilities, stage types and stage positions as well as your understanding of performance skills and how they create meaning for an audience. This knowledge prepares you for Section A and C of the written exam paper. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your understanding of Theatre roles and responsibilities. This will be demonstrated in your theory work e.g., class work, quiz test in the style of section A and homework. You will be given an opportunity to revisit any misconceptions. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to understand stage position and configurations. This will be demonstrated in your theory work e.g., classwork, quiz test in the style of section A and homework. You will be given an opportunity to revisit any misconceptions. You will undertake a summative assessment of section A and C at the end of study cycle three. This will provide you with an assessment outcome for your knowledge and understanding of the assessed. Your written responses will demonstrate your understanding of the knowledge learnt in this study cycle. Your live Theatre review will show your ability to analyse and evaluate the work of others as well as how drama and theatre is developed and performed. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 - Blood Brothers
Overview: In this Study Cycle, you will be introduced to your set text play Blood Brothers. You learn about the given circumstances of the play including the characters, setting, time period and plot. You will practically explore the themes of the play such as family, social class, childhood, growing up, violence, fate and superstitions. This will allow you to gain an understanding of the characteristics and context of the whole play. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your performance work and your success in clearly showing a difference in interactions between characters depending upon social status. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to show the relationship between Mrs. Johnstone and Mrs. Lyons as a result of superstition and status. You will undertake a summative assessment of section B where you will be given an extract from a scene studied and analyse set questions around how you would interpret the role and scene. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: An overview of the assessment opportunities in this Study Cycle will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 5 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: An overview of the assessment opportunities in this Study Cycle will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 6 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and will be available to view here soon.
Assessment Opportunities: An overview of the assessment opportunities in this Study Cycle will be available to view here soon.
Year 11
Study Cycle 1 - Devising Drama
Overview: You will undertake your NEA (controlled assessment) GCSE component 2 Devising Drama. You will be given a stimulus to explore and will work together in groups to respond to the stimulus, develop an idea, select a genre or performance style and a suitable practitioner. You will apply your ideas practically rehearsing and refining your work for performance alongside interpreting characters and context. Your process and progression will be documented through a three-part logbook and will be demonstrated via your final performance. This component is worth 40% of your GCSE grade. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to convey your ideas for your piece and your development of drama through your section 1 and 2 log book. This will be demonstrated in theory work whereby you will redraft your work ensuring that it meets the criteria required. You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to evaluate and analyse the success of your devised drama as explain in section 2 of your logbook. This will be demonstrated in theory work whereby you will redraft your work ensuring that it meets the criteria required. You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle ten. This will provide you with an assessment outcome for your performance. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. Your log book will be marked after study area eleven and your marks achieved for the coursework will be added to your performance mark to reach a total grade. Your log book will demonstrate your understanding of your devising process. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 2 - Performance and production elements
Overview: In this Study Cycle, you will learn about the various elements of stage craft within both Blood Brothers and your live Performance choice. You will study costume, set, lighting, sound and performance skills. You will study the element and then look at how it is used in either your set text or your live performance. This study cycle prepares you for Question 1 of section B and also section C of the written exam paper Component 1 Understanding Drama. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive Whole Class Feedback on your ability to write about a set design element within a given extract of the play (8 marker question). You will receive another Whole Class Feedback on your ability to write about a costume design element within a given extract of the play (8 marker question). You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle whereby you will sit a mock paper. This will provide you with an assessment outcome for your knowledge and understanding of production and performance elements (Section B question 4 and Section C). The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 3 - Text in Practice
Overview: You will undertake your NEA (controlled assessment) GCSE component 3 Text in Practice. For this component you must study and present two key extracts from the selected play text given. You will be marked on your contribution to the performance as a performer. In addition, you will be assessed on your ability to create and communicate meaning, interpret the text and realise artistic intention in text-based drama. As a performer you need to commit dialogue to memory, create and interpret a character, develop a range of vocal and physical skills and create an appropriate performer-audience relationship and that engagement is sustained throughout. This component is worth 20% of your GCSE grade. The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: You will receive feedback on your application of vocal skills (Study area five). You will receive whole class feedback on your application of physicality, movement, spatial and interaction skills (Study area four and six). You will undertake a summative assessment at the end of study cycle Eleven. This will provide you with an assessment outcome for your performance. Your performance will showcase your understanding of skills learnt in this topic. Your two performances from one play will be examined externally by an outside examiner. The assessment objective is AO2: Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance. The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 4 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.
Study Cycle 5 -
Overview: The Study Cycle Overview sheet is available in all student books and to view here.
Assessment Opportunities: The Study Cycle Summative Assessment sheet will be available to view here soon.