Welcome Back - Autumn Term

Welcome Back - Autumn Term

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Welcome to the new academic year. I hope that you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer – having spoken to lots of students this week they seemed to have had a great time. I hope that they have enjoyed their first week back and that the culture shock of having to get up early, wear uniform again and follow a timetable isn’t too much for them!

I have been hugely impressed this week with students’ attitudes, behaviour and work ethic. They have returned really well and have set the bar high for themselves this week, which we know they will follow for the remainder of the year. In our whole school assembly on Monday we stressed the need for ‘every minute to count’ in terms of students’ learning in lessons. Whilst behaviour at Preston is widely recognised as excellent we always want to improve. As we have done each year since I started we have raised our expectations of students ‘Behaviour for Learning’ and made punishments harsher and more immediate, with the hope that these act as a deterrent to students whose behaviour has not been as great as most. This has certainly worked this week with not one students being exited from a lesson at the time of writing. More details of the Behaviour & Rewards policy can be found on our website but I think the 3-5pm same day detention for being sent out of a lesson is working as a deterrent!

I will write in more detail to you all next week as I know you will be busy this week with children returning to school. Thank you as always for your support of the school and your child(ren) – a positive working relationship between home and school is one of the key factors in students achieving well at school.

Gregg Morrison


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