Start of Term - September 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
We will welcome students from all year groups back to school on Tuesday, 5th September 2023.
New timetables are now available on the Portal and will be issued in paper form by Academic Mentors on Tuesday.
Students should ensure they have the correct uniform and have every item of equipment listed below. They should bring their existing exercise books for lessons once they know their timetable, as they may continue working in these. PE kit will not be required on Tuesday.
Equipment list:
- Fob for purchasing food on Hub and Snack Shack (Year 7 will be issued with theirs in the first few days)
- Pens to write with (black ink)
- Pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Medium rubber
Clear 15cm ruler - High lighters, three different colours
- Purple biro
- Green biro
- Glue stick
- Protractor
- Pair of compasses
- Scientific calculator (Sharp / Casio recommended)
- Mini white boards / pen / rubber