Ofsted - Preston School is a 'Good' School
Friday, February 24, 2023
Everyone at Preston School is celebrating, after the school’s latest Ofsted inspection was published and it shows that Preston is graded a ‘good’ school.
Everyone at Preston School is celebrating, after the school’s latest Ofsted inspection was published and it shows that Preston is graded a ‘good’ school.
Overall Effectiveness Good
Quality of Education Good
Behaviour & Attitudes Good
Personal Development Good
Leadership & Management Good
The report highlights the great work that is done and the excellent learning environment that the students enjoy:
- Pupils enjoy their lessons. They want to succeed.
- Leaders at Preston School Academy are ambitious for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
- Leaders encourage pupils to be aspirational. Pupils strive to do their best.
- The school is an inclusive community where pupils are happy.
- Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. The clear routines of the ‘Preston Way’ minimise low level disruption in lessons. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They have confidence in staff to deal with any incidents effectively.
- Pupils feel safe. They say there is always someone they can talk to. Parents agree and say that their children are well cared for.
- Pupils appreciate the school’s reward system, which recognise s showing positive character traits such as resilience. Pupils value learning about how to manage their finances and hearing what skills employers look for.
- The school provides a wide and varied curriculum. It’s theme is enterprise with the intent to ‘bring learning to life and life to learning. Leaders have planned carefully what pupils need to learn They have ordered the content of each subject logically. This means that pupils build their understanding effectively over time.
- Leaders provide teachers with clear information about pupils with SEND. This enables teachers to plan precisely the support pupils with SEND need to learn well. The curriculum for pupils with SEND who attend the school’s autism base is ambitious It is carefully and appropriately adapted to suit their needs.
- Leaders ensure that reading is an important part of the school ’s curriculum Pupils enjoy reading a diverse range of texts guided by their academic mentors. Pupils develop confidence in reading aloud. Pupils at the early stages of learning to read receive effective help to catch up quickly.
- The curriculum for pupils’ wider development is effective. Pupils learn important content including knife and gang crime, online safety, drugs and alcohol awareness, relationships, and the protected characteristics. They learn about religions, beliefs and cultures that may be different to their own.
- The careers programme is a strength of the school. Links with local employers help pupils take part in high quality work experience. Additional activities which enrich the curriculum include sporting clubs, music, and drama. For example, pupils enjoyed being involved in a recent school performance of Matilda.
- Since the previous inspection, governors have increased their understanding of the school’s priorities. With leaders, they act effectively.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong This allows staff to identify any concerns about a pupil quickly and to secure the help need ed Pupils understand risks to their safety and seek advice from a trusted adult in school. Leaders work effectively with external services when required.
Gregg Morrison, Principal, said ‘We are naturally delighted that Ofsted have recognised what we have known for some time, that Preston is a good school. I am so pleased for the staff, students and governors who have all worked so hard to improve the school that this has been officially recognised. Despite our improvements being formally recognised, we are still keen to keep improving the school and will continue to work tirelessly to do so, as this is what our students deserve.’
Chair of Governors, Tommy Byrne, commented ‘The Ofsted report is just reward for the hard work of all at Preston School from the school staff and leadership team, through to the students and their parents, all of whom have ensured the best outcomes for the students. My thanks go to all current and past staff, governors and students who have all contributed to this achievement which recognises exactly what Preston is, a good school.
The full report is available on the Preston School website and will be on the Ofsted website shortly. Please click here to view the report.