Year 7 to 11 Academic Mentor Day

Year 7 to 11 Academic Mentor Day

Friday, September 16, 2022

20th & 21st October 2022

Dear Parents

I would like to invite you to the annual Academic Mentor meetings which are scheduled for the 20th & 21st October 2022. This will provide you with the opportunity to meet your child's Academic Mentor and to discuss their engagement in learning, talk about how they have started the academic year as well as provide you with the opportunity to discuss and agree on targets for the year ahead. 

Families need to make one 10 minute appointment with their child’s Academic Mentor (AM). You can choose to meet between 2.15-7pm on Thursday 20th October or during the school day, 8.30am-12.30pm, on Friday 21st  October. All appointments will be virtual and using the school’s Parent Evening Booking System on the Family Portal – no appointments in school. This is following feedback from family events held virtually last year.  

Students will leave school at 1.55pm on Thursday 20th October, to allow appointments to start shortly after. Full lunch service will be provided as normal on this day. On Friday 21st October the school will not be open to students for normal lessons but work will be set for all students on Google Classroom. 

Our internet-based booking system can be accessed via the ‘Bookings’ button on the Family Portal and will be open from 00.05am on Tuesday 20th September 2022; this allows you to arrange convenient times to meet with your son/daughter’s teachers. You can also find instructions on how to make your bookings on the Parents Evening bookings page of our website. You will find a link on our website at . If you have forgotten your login details please contact IT Support at 

Your e-mail address is not held on the system but may be entered should you wish for your appointments to be sent to you as an e-mail.  

Yours sincerely

Gregg Morrison


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