Message to all families
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
PE kit for the rest of the week
Dear families,
Thanks for all of your support in ensuring our students are keeping safe during this hot spell. We are now close enough to the end of the week to know with some certainty from the forecast that it will also be warmer than normal tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Therefore, we will extend the option for students to wear their PE kit to school if they would like to up until the end of term. Hopefully this will help them feel more comfortable. Students must either wear PE kit or uniform (tie & blazers are optional) and not a hybrid of both. The students in Years 10 and 8 who are on trips on Wednesday & Thursday respectively can wear their own clothes, as indicated on the trip letters.
Please do keep sending them in with water bottles so that they can stay hydrated through the day.
Best wishes
Gregg Morrison