Coronavirus Testing - September 2021
Thursday, August 26, 2021
What will happen next term
Dear Parent/Carer,
Coronavirus Testing - September 2021
As you are aware the Government has asked all students to undergo a programme of 2 tests in school on their return in September, following these tests students will be provided with testing kits to test twice per week at home. Testing is to commence on Friday 3rd for years 7 and 11, and Monday 6th for years 8-10. Rapid testing continues to remain a vital part of the Government’s plan to suppress the spread of Coronavirus, in education and across society as a whole. Testing allows asymptomatic people who might otherwise continue to attend School to be identified and self-isolate where necessary. Whilst the testing is not mandatory we and the Government encourage as many students to get involved to help suppress the virus.
We have set up the parents evening booking system to allow you to book your child in for their tests, The parents evening booking system can be accessed through the Preston School Parent Portal, the usual way you would book a parents evening appointment. Booking will open on Saturday 28th August and close on Thursday 2nd September for Year 11s and Friday 3rd September for Years 8-10. Year 7's will receive further information regarding timings as they will be testing in AM groups on their first day at Preston School.
If you are a Parent/Carer of a Year 7 student please read the attached Privacy Notice and complete the attached Consent Form should you wish your child to partake in testing.
If you are a Parent/Carer of a Year 8-11 student please only complete the Consent Form should you not have done this previously.
All Consent Forms to be returned to The deadline for returning consent forms the same as above for booking a testing time. Failure to complete the consent form means we will be unable to test your child.
When students arrive for their first test they must not enter the school building but use the entrance of the gym as per testing in March. Year 7 students will be meeting at the front of School in AM groups and directed to the testing centre by their AM. Students are not required to wear a face mask but can do if they feel more comfortable.
Kind regards,
Preston School
CLICK HERE for our consent form
CLICK HERE for privacy notice