Principal message
Monday, March 22, 2021
Thank you for all your support
Dear families,
Thank you for your help and support in making the first two weeks back in school such a success. It has been great to have the students return and I know I can speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say we have much preferred teaching in person rather than through a screen!
COVID testing in school is now complete and I would like to thank the students and staff involved for making this such a seamless exercise. All students who tested in school should have brought a home testing kit back with them after their third and final test. All other students now have access to these tests as well, so that they can be tested at home if you would like them to.
Just to confirm a few things that are important between now and the start of the summer term:
- A reminder that family members should not arrive in the school reception expecting to see a member of staff. If you have any concerns or questions please email the relevant member of staff, or the front office, or phone in. Visitors to school are rightly highly restricted at the moment and we must work hard to respect this.
- Students in years 7-10 should have been completing Knowledge Builder homework over the last week. Whilst the vast majority will complete this without fear of a sanction, after school detentions will return from this week for those who do not complete their homework to the required standard, and for other infringements. A reminder that these are all temporarily after school as we cannot currently do them during the 3 different lunch breaks we operate. Once we can revert to the previous system, we will.
- A reminder that the last day of term is Thursday 1st April 2021 (not Wednesday 31st March as we have moved the INSET day scheduled for this day to Friday 28th May) and we will finish at 12.15pm on that day. The Easter holidays begin the following day, which is Good Friday.
- The first day of the summer term is Monday 19th April 2021, with everyone starting back that day.
- 99% of students are wearing the correct uniform so thank you for this. Those that we are currently making exceptions for must make sure that they are correctly attired for the start of the summer term please. I know that there are plenty of students (and staff!) that are looking forward to shops, barbers and salon’s hopefully opening during the Easter holidays!
Thank you once again for your ongoing support and please do get in touch if there is anything that we can do to support you.
Best wishes
Gregg Morrison