Update from the Principal

Update from the Principal

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Re-opening of school

Dear families,

I hope that you and everyone you know is well and healthy. I also hope that the students enjoyed a good week where they were able to step away from their studies and relax. Whilst there wasn’t as much as normal that they could do, I hope that they enjoyed the break.

Like many of you, I found out the plans for the full re-opening of schools watching the news broadcasts yesterday. You will have seen the headline that all students are returning in the week beginning Monday 8th March.

The information that we have received so far from the Department for Education (DfE) has indicated that some testing of students will need to be done and that this testing could mean that students do not all return on Monday 8th March for the whole week. There is some flexibility for staggering starts of different year groups to accommodate the testing. I have learnt through this pandemic that the information from the DfE normally takes a few days to iron itself out with some of the finer details. With this in mind, and given the fact that as a Senior Leadership Team we normally meet on a Thursday after school, we will wait until the end of this week before publishing our plans for the week beginning Monday 8th March. This will still give you as families enough time to make arrangements, but will give us more confidence as a school that we will be making decisions with the most amount of information available to us.

In the meantime, over this week and next we will continue in the way that we have become accustomed with all work being set on Google Classroom and interactive lessons happening via Google Meets. As always, if you have any queries or questions then please do get in contact with us. All teacher’s email addresses can be found on the school website: https://www.prestonschool.co.uk/contact-us/teaching-staff-contact-details .

Best wishes

Gregg Morrison

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