Year 9 Families - Update
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Dear Year 9 families,
Firstly, thank you for your understanding and teamwork earlier on in getting your child sent home efficiently. We really do appreciate how difficult it can be and would thank you wholeheartedly for your support. I must also send a huge amount of praise out to the students who were fantastic and co-operative throughout. They were a real credit to us all.
Having been through this as a parent with one of my boys a number of weeks ago, who is in Year 9 in another school, the novelty of isolating will soon wear off! To help keep the students occupied throughout the remainder of the half-term, we will:
1. Provide work for all 5 lessons per day
2. Load this on to Google Classroom each day (like in lockdown)
3. Ask students to complete their work in their books or online
4. Endeavour to get staff to have some form of interactivity with the students where possible during the lesson (if they are not taken to cover a colleague who is isolating!)
5. Run PSHE (Tuesday 12-1pm) as a welfare catch up and chat lesson through Google Meet
6. Respond to any requests for us to contact students if they are struggling (all teachers’ email addresses are on the school website
7. Continue with plans for the virtual Academic Mentoring (AM) Day, as previously communicated
I hope that the time goes quickly for the students and yourselves. If there is anything that we can do to support you or them then please do just ask. I have attached a self-isolation guide from Somerset Local Authority that you may find useful.
A reminder that students’ final day of isolation is Friday 23rd October 2020, as identified by the Department for Education. We look forward to welcoming back the students on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 for the start of the Autumn 2 term.
Best wishes
Gregg Morrison
Please click here for Covid-19 information for Somerset Schools