A message to all families

A message to all families

Monday, October 5, 2020

Thank you for your support

Dear families,


Thank you for your support over the last two weeks with supporting the wearing of masks in school for lesson change-overs. As always, the students have been excellent and have embraced the changes. One plea though as we are currently buying more spare masks than we would like to have to: please could you give your child a spare and ask them to keep it in their school bag, so that if theirs does break or get lost then they have a spare? This is happening quite a lot when students have PE and then leave their mask in their school blazer.


As we constantly look to improve the learning environment we are always asking ourselves what we can do differently to support the students. One of the biggest barriers so far this year to our normal way of teaching has been not being able to support students and help them with their work around the classroom. Now that all students have masks in school we are more confident in allowing staff to move around the classroom during designated times in the lesson, to help support students and answer questions. When the teacher is going to do this they will ask the students to put on their masks for 5-10 minutes and they will do the same, so that everyone is protected. Once the teacher has finished circulating the masks will be removed as we do not want students sat in them too long in lessons. Students exempt from wearing masks will not need to wear them. This will be optional for staff and in no way expected, so it will be down to individual choice. We will review how this goes over the next few weeks and make any adaptions as necessary.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Best wishes



Gregg Morrison


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