A message from The Octagon Theatre

A message from The Octagon Theatre

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Get Involved!

Introducing the Octagon Theatre’s online flash dance, Let’s SHiNE Together! 


At the Octagon Theatre we are creating a community dance video which showcases our local community from Primary School students to the nurses at Yeovil District Hospital to our staff currently redeployed and working at South Somerset District Council’s Wellbeing Hub.


We are asking children, adults, grandparents to learn a dance routine to ‘Symphony’ by Clean Bandit, rehearse it and then send us in clips of them dancing which we will edit together into a final film.


We want people of all ages to join in and share your talent with the world in our first online flash dance!

Here’s how you can take part: 

1)            Learn an easy dance routine to ‘Symphony’ by Clean Bandit (feat. Zara Larsson)

2)            Record yourself 

3)            Send us your footage to be part of the final film (to be shared on social media and played at next year’s SHiNE staged performance)


Deadline for video submissions: Monday 13th July. We’re asking people to send us their videos via WeTransfer to the octagon email address (octagontheatre@southsomerset.gov.uk)

For more information and links to the dance routines: https://www.octagon-theatre.co.uk/news/lets-shine-together/1236 

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